How can coaching work for you?
Coaching can work for you if you are open to gaining a better understanding of yourself.
You’ve likely heard the phrase ‘with knowledge comes power’. In the context of coaching the knowledge is self-awareness and the power is your ability to determine your wants and desires and make active choices to achieve them.
If there is an area of your life that is lacking a clear direction, often associated with ‘mind fog’ the feeling of being ‘stuck’, ‘trapped’ or ‘blocked’, coaching is for you.
You may feel stuck in your career, feel you haven't got the right balance in your life, or you just feel unfulfilled. Perhaps life has thrown you a curve ball and you're dealing with an unexpected or unwanted change.
Maybe you know where you want to be, but your continued efforts are leaving you short of fulfilling your goal and you feel blocked by obstacles that keep stopping your progress.
The common thread in all these situations is you! Everything you need is within you, as a coach I ask the questions that shine light on areas that you’re either unaware of or have thought irrelevant to your quest.
So, in answer to the question ‘how can coaching work for me?’ Coaching can work for you by allowing yourself to get to know you better, resulting in clarity of thinking and empowerment to take control and make choices to benefit all aspects of your life.
If you're asking yourself any of these questions, follow the links to find out more
What is a coaching conversation like?